sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

Jim Ryan, Coloplast win Best in Real Estate Awards - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

The Business Journal’s Best in Real Estat Awards honors real estate projects that broke groundin 2008. The Best Overal l project in 2008 was theColoplasty U.S. Headquarters. A special Lifetim Achievement award was given to Jim Ryan of RyanCompaniez US, Inc. Introducing Ryan was his cousin and president of Ryan Pat Ryan, who credited him with building the compan from a small firm 35 year ago to one that had over $1 billion in revenud in 2008. Pat Ryan also praised Jim Ryan's commitmenft to employees andtheir families. “With Jim, it isn’tr about building buildings. It’sd about building character,” Pat Ryan said.
“Wouldn’t this World be a lot better off if we had a lot more Jim The special publication profiles all the winners in each as well asthe finalists. A full list of winnersa follows. Click on the link to see the full profiles ofhonorees (subscription

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