sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Statement Regarding Reports Out of Asia Regarding Red Bull Energy Drink
June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- It would have been absolutelh impossible forAsian (or any other) authoritiee to have found traces of cocaines in Red Bull Energy Drink. We believe that Asian authorities mistakenly appliex concerns about Red Bull Simply Cola to Red BullEnerghy Drink, a completely different productg with an entirely different formula. we had Red Bull Energy Drink product sample from Asia analyzed by an independent and accreditee institute and confirmed that Red Bull Energy Drink does not contaihany cocaine. A German authority had raisedc concerns regarding the useof de-cocainizedd coca leaf extract in Red Bull Simpluy Cola.
However, the German Federal Institute for RiskAssessment (BfR) latedr publicly confirmed that there is no risk to human health or any other undesired pharmacologicapl effects associated with Red Bull Simply De-cocainized coca leaf extracts are used as flavoring in food products arounr the world and are considered to be safe. in 21 C.FR. 182.20, the Food and Drug Administration regulationx provide that it is acceptable and safe touse de-cocainize d coca in food products in the United

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